Command Panel

Command Panel

Rahul Mishra

19 yo, student, software developer

working remotely atfrom India
hello, i am Rahul Mishra.
for some reason i don't remember, i go byon internet. i am currently a Second Year student studying computer science. i am self taught and work mostly with web apps and backends.
i am a former arch linux user, but currently I have a macbook pro, so macos it is.
besides all of that, i enjoy watching anime and casually listening to music.
reach out to me on discord or at
🧩 A Tailwind CSS plugin that allows you to load colors from URL of Realtime Colors
🎨 A simple JS library to get the dominant color or color palette of an image just by its URL.
🔌 Allow to connect bluetooth paired devices from gnome control panel.
working on
Modern email for teams and professionals. A replacement for outdated email technology and tools. Alt to,,
A simple tool for working with webhooks. Supports forwarding messages to one or multiple destinations, and replaying messages
Creating a tailwind plugin shouldn't be that hard, right?
A guide to create a Tailwind CSS plugin
Redirecting Your Domains using Cloudflare
Redirect your domains using Cloudflare